Have you not heard how bad the internet is, why are you posting here when you know it could get you into serious trouble?
This only goes to show that there are many JWs out there that are lurking/posting on many many many discussion boards.
Proving otherwise that the R&F JW DO NOT always listen and believe what the GB in NY has to say about anything.
Curiousity, doubts, unwavering faith in the leadings of the headship in Brooklyn, bad experiences with the organization...etc. These and other factors have fueled the minds of almost every JW in wondering what else can happen next, to them or to the WTS. Thus, perusing on discussion boards as this. On the otherhand, die-hard JWs stumble on such discussion boards as this when surfing on the internet among the JW web ring blogs.
It's a good thing...."to make sure of all things". (1Thessalonians 5:21)
So, all active JWs out there, apply that scripture in all areas of life. Even your faith!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)